I recall an advert in Uganda where they were advertising i think it was video / cinema services and the advertiser said, we offer, 2D, 3D, 5D, HD, DVD, Any D, very funny when one is to think about it Any D but in reality he was saying to listeners, If it is out there …
Category: Geek Stuff
Recovering your wordpress hacked website or lost password in 2 mins
Website Content Management Systems (CMS) for example WordPress and Joomla are well becoming a common phenomenon with each passing day but what happens when your wordpress website gets hacked and your website is taken over, and the email address is changed, there are various solutions you will find online but the simplest is; — Access …
Fixing scp –stalled– problem
Have you ever been trying to move a file especially a large file from one host to another and the connection stalls, this is because scp is trying to get as much bandwidth as it can and it stalls somewhere, the fix to this is to limit the amount of bandwidth scp should use. [user2@host2 ]$ …
Recovering from a wordpress white screen of death (WSD).
If you are reading this, there is probably a chance that you have had your website return a blank white screen (White Screen Of Death, WSD). The reasons for the White Screen of Death can vary but below are some of them, they mainly depend on whether you have made a very recent (probably with …
Protecting your website admin page
Let’s get a bit geeky today. The life of a web developer these days is way much simpler than ours in the 2000’s, the diehard’s will claim, “we do it from scratch, html, js, php, css” but the reality is we are in the information age and that means we receive more information daily than we …